11 October 2007

Yes. I Am the Worlds Coolest DAD

I love to wear the oversize men's t-shirt. They are so cozy and I love to style, the whole nine yards. They are great shirts. So yesterday, I picked up the coolest, most hippy-ish looking shirt that said "Worlds Coolest Dad". I love the shirt. I wore it to work and everyone wanted to come up with some kind of female meaning for dad, but they had no luck. Here is where I got the best laugh, was a the liquor store. I walked in, it was busy, when I got in line, this guy, maybe about 40years, looked at me a raised an eyebrow and I gave him a very big smile. He let out the biggest laugh I have heard and said, "You ain't no dad". I could not help it, I laughed some more and told him that I was not a dad, but it is a cool shirt to make people laugh. I love moments like that, where you can make someone you have never meet and make them laugh and talk to them......

A good life it is.......Because I am the Worlds Coolest DAD.....


Ro said...

Thats a funny story. :)

Perez said...

Yeah....what can I say...lol