13 November 2007

La vida es el coger excelente

And it sure is.....

Apart from feeling a little lonely and cut off from the world, life is excellent, hence the title of this post......

Nothing new has happened. It has been really easy going lately. I have been keeping my head up, praying, and doing all I know how to do to keep myself busy.
School has been okay, nothing big to announce there. I am getting good grades.....kind of. One of my online classes, I forget about. It is the second time I forgot to look at it, and do the assignments. Don't ask how I do it, but I get all my work done on the other online class, but just seem to forget that other class is there. I am hoping I do not fail the class. Other than that, lectures have gone great.

Work.....ah yes, the favorite thing to hate. I am still looking for another job, beside the one I have now. Paper work is not my favorite thing to do. It sucks, but at $11 an hour, I will keep it for now.

Have a great week everyone

1 comment:

Ro said...

I hear you about the job thing all though mine is slow going.

It sounds like you got a lot of good things ahead in your future i.e trips and moving.

I'm glad you are moving ahead with your life and I'll keep you in my thoughts.