08 October 2007

The Weekend in Review

Shabbat was cool. I just tried to finished work for my lectures. I got most of it done. Other than that, Shabbat pretty good. Just got the well needed rest, then stayed up all night on Saturday.

Yes, as stupid and crazy as it sounds, I stayed away most the night. I talked with a good friend of mine in NY, and I turned off the lights and feel asleep at 5 am of about an hour. Yeah......I know that is bad, but hey what can I say.......

Sunday was just whatever. I went a did little shopping for coffee and yarn. My two favorite things in the world......Oh yeah.....Life is good. I think last night was the best sleep I have had. Maybe I need to stay up all night more.....mmmm.....No way, I would be too tired.

But I am off and running. Got to make some coffee and then I will be at work. Have good day....


Ro said...

I love all night phone conversations with the right person.

I'm glad things are going well.

Perez said...

It was on of the best phone calls I have ever had. I am always ready to talk with people.....

Yup, this are going better and better everyday